i have been learning about consistency recently for karting and ive followed these kind of simple 'rules'
1. look the same place each time round, eg, look at the same place on the apex, brake at or near the same point each lap. i use 'i think i should be braking around now' instead of any fixed reference points.
2. know what you SHOULD be doing, or what you were/are doing. for example, know which line to take, how much of each kerb to hit and focus on one corner at a time, but not one corner each lap or else it would take years to get good at a track!!
3. dont push TOOO hard, work your way up to your pace and push slightly more each lap.
4. drive round on your own for a while to get your rhythm, other cars make u push too hard, get in your way or you end up following them by mistake
5. go on loads of different tracks so u get used to adjusting your style or using different lines and dont get too comfortable with the 1 track!
6. its mostly down to experience so practise practise practise
using these 'techniques' i did 4 laps in a row within 57.80-57.85 in the wet and 9 laps in a row within 41.95 and 42.05 in the dry last week.